Employment Services
On October 9, 2013, Governor Brown signed AB 1041 (Chesbro) into law, establishing an “Employment First Policy” in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act. In keeping with the Employment First Policy, the Work Services Program addresses the employment needs of persons with developmental disabilities.
Paid Internship
Those individuals who choose the Individual Program Plan (IPP) process to participate in a paid internship, will have supports available such as increasing their vocational skills and abilities. The Education Coordinator and Education Assistant will work with individuals served on a 1:1 basis.
Competitive Integrated Employment
Competitive Integrated Employment is a fundamental right for individuals with disabilities. CRS-IL ensures that all integrated employment opportunities are individualized and meet the direct habilitative needs of the individual served. No individuals served by CRS-IL will receive less than minimum wage.
Tailored Day
Tailored Day Services are aimed to individuals that require more individualized supports, such as 1:1 services within the college classroom or within their place of employment. TDS can also be utilized to introduce individuals to services that are customized to increase their ability to lead integrated and
inclusive lives.